Cingular blows!

Yup, then again, everyone knows it, even the BetterBusinessBureau as they’ve been kicked out of it!

So I’ve been struggling with this issue with my cell phone since they “upgraded” their voicemail network two weeks ago. Besides voicemail notification issues that wouldn’t go away, they totally broke the GPRS internet connection on my phone. Customer service is, of course, totally unhelpful. The first bloke claimed that it was a “nationwide outage” and that it should be fixed by the following week…

Which didn’t happen, of course… the next idiot claimed that it was an outage in their WAP Proxy server… which seemed plausable except that it was hanging my phone just trying to open Internet Explorer!

Then, today, after my 3rd call, the nice friendly and extremely apologetic customer service rep says that it’s a problem with my phone… and… oh look! How convenient. Your phone is two weeks our of warrenty! Would you like me to bill your account for $200 and send you a new refurbished phone? Erm… excuse me? If you knew about this two weeks ago, why not do it then?

bah, idiots… In the end, a simple search and firmware reinstallation fixed the issue. The timing all seems too convenient. I mean, that’s an excellent business model! Wait for your customer’s warrenty to expire, send a signal over the waves to conveniently break functionality, then offer your customer the opportunity to spend more money!


2 Replies to “”

  1. Mmm… i’m not entirely certain, but the timing is incredibly suspicious, espically since problems ONLY started happening since their voice mail “upgrade”. This is on a phone that was working perfecty, and didn’t have any software changes, yet the OS was corrupted.

    In the end, I searched for ways to update the firmware of the phone manually. The tools on Motorola’s website don’t allow you to upgrade if it’s already the latest firmware, so I had to dig around community sites to find an updater that would force a firmware reload on the phone. One reload later and it all works >.<

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