Growing old sucks >.<

Ugh… so I’m 29 now, and the last few weeks have completely sucked.

After my 1st big ride of the year, it took me most of the day before I got my core temperature back up to normal. That wasn’t a big deal, but with California’s stupid hot, then cold, then hot, then raining, then cold, then hot, then… erm… pollen weather, I came down with a bad case of the flu later that week.

That took forever to recover from. Medicine didn’t do much good, even the stronger behind the counter stuff. I sit through one midterm sniffling and feeling miserable, only to find that my whole class sounds just as bad as I feel. I guess someone infected the whole class the previous week.

Just about when I’m feeling better, pollen season starts up. I’ve never had allergies when I was younger, but only in the last 3 years have they started up. Last year wasn’t too bad, and I only actually felt bad enough to take Clariten on a few days, but this year, I can’t even get out of bed without sneezing my head off!

And now, I’m not sure how, but I somehow managed to strain my neck muscles. Might have been from moving a new couch into the house, or it might be a bad sitting position at work last week. For all of this week, I haven’t been able to move my neck much… turning from side to side causes pains in my shoulders and neck. Sleeping was a challenge as I’d wake up in the middle of the night suddenly realizing that I can’t move my neck at all from the pain, and waking up in the morning involves physically lifting my head with my hands until I loosen up again. I’m starting to get better now with a regular routine of stretching after hot showers…

Wonder what’s coming next week…

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