Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, Musee d’Orsay Pantheon, Versailles

Been out and about for the last couple of days… here’s a brief summary

Louvre: Incredibly big museum, much too much to see. It’s incredible how they Outside of the Louvremanaged to get so many precious pieces of art together in one location. It’s almost criminal! I’ve never seen so many statues, paintings, etc. at once. The Mona Lisa is the most crowded exhibit, of course, with you needing to squeeze through large crowds to get to even see it. The Wedding Feast is directly opposite it, a huge painting about 30 ft across. When visiting the Louvre, an audioguide is necessary as none of the descriptions of the arts are in English. 🙁 They also has a "Da Vinci Code" guided tour that is half entertainment, half guide through the Louvre

Inside of the PantheonPantheon: A replica of those created in Rome, this was constructed to pay respect to the patron Saint of Paris. It is also a tomb for notable Parisians, where famous people like Victor Hugo are buried in the crypt underground. Interestingly, this is still an active crypt as there are many spots still available for people to be buried here in the future. 

Musee d’Orsay: Next to the Louvre, this museum Inside of the Musee d'Orsayused to be a train station, but is now converted into a museum that has more recent art, including statues, paintings and others. It isn’t anywhere near as large as the Louvre, but the inside of the station is quite impressive, with large clocks on the inside, and a large atrium where most of the statue works are kept. Works from Monet, Pissaro are on display here. 

Arc de TriompheArc de Triomphe: The famous grand arch that celebrates French triumph. Many dignitaries visit or are honored here. There was some ceremony going on when I arrived, and access was limited as they had a marching band, what looked like military personal, and some important person visiting under escort. Managed to get to the top, where you get an awesome view of Paris. This is also known as a "etoile" or star since it has 12 roads leading to a giant roundabout. You can see the Louvre, Eiffel tower and other places from the top of the building.

Versailles: Royal palace about 30 minutes out from Central Paris… the outside looks Part of the Chateaupretty nice, though French architecture is starting to get boring on me after seeing so much of it. It is partly under construction… will visit the inside today and see what it is about. The grounds are huge, and I’ve only see maybe 10% so far. No time to visit the canal, or see the rest yet. 

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